Scheme of delegation

Model resources for multi-academy trust companies

We have produced model resources for multi-academy trust companies to assist them with their duty to operate in accordance with a scheme of delegation. The model table of roles and responsibilities is comprehensive, but it is entirely possible that additional actions will need to be added to reflect particular requirements at the multi-academy trust and/or diocesan level. The table may also be amended to reflect different arrangements for the carrying out of certain actions, which is particularly likely where there is a central senior executive leadership team.

Catholic multi-academy trust companies and Catholic schools looking to convert must liaise closely with their diocese (and trustees, where different) when formulating an appropriate scheme of delegation, particularly in relation to the table of roles and responsibilities. It may be that particular dioceses adapt the CES models to reflect their own diocesan policies and practices before agreeing the scheme of delegation with their multi-academy trust companies. It is for this reason that Catholic multi-academy trust companies must contact their Diocesan Education Service in the first instance before adopting the CES model scheme of delegation and/or appendices.

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