Getting started

Making your census submission

Ready to make your census submission? Find everything you need and more from our team.

Submitting your census

We're aiming to work with you to make submitting your annual census as easy as possible. Follow your MIS guide below to export your Census data or request a template and prepare your submission manually.

MIS Export guides

Almost all MIS systems now include the option to download your CES census data directly from their system. We have included guidance for many of the MIS systems below. If you cannot find your MIS system below, please contact your MIS provider. If they do not provide a CES census export, please use the non-MIS option below.

Non-MIS Submission option

If you are not using your MIS to submit your census, or your MIS does not support CES census exports, please follow the link below to request out Google Sheets template which you may complete and submit.