The Course

The CCRS Course

An overview of the course

Exploring the Scriptures, the Person of Jesus Christ, the Church, its sacramental life and moral understanding. 

Course overview

There are eight modules, six core modules (Old Testament, New Testament, Church, Christology, Sacraments and Morality) and two specialist elective modules. The core modules explore the Scriptures, the Person of Jesus Christ, the Church and its sacramental life and moral understanding.

The specialist modules relate to each participant’s ministry in the Church, covering such areas as Religious Education in schools, Parish Catechesis, Liturgy, Justice and Peace. Other modules of a practical nature for teachers, catechists, youth workers and liturgists are available. Each module requires ten hours of contact time and an assignment of 1500 words of equivalent.

Modules overview 

Core Module 1: The Bible - Old Testament

Introduce participants to the writings of the Old Testament in order to help them recognise God’s revelation contained there and its continuing relevance in Christian life today.

Core Module 2: The Bible - New Testament

Familiarise participants with the process through which the New Testament writings came into being and help them interpret the material presented and understand its significance for the life of a Christian today.

Core Module 3: Jesus Christ

Deepen participants’ awareness of the significance and centrality of the person and work of Jesus Christ in the daily life of the Christian as well as in the worship of the Church.

Core Module 4: The Church

To reflect on the nature of the Church and its mission in the world today.

Core Module 5: Sacraments

Understanding and appreciation of the Sacraments in the life of Catholics as a sign of Christ’s continuing presence with the Church.

Core Module 6: Christian Morality

Develop the skills of moral decision-making, to examine Christian teaching in its relation to the universal search for what constitutes “human good” and explore the application of Christian understanding to some contemporary moral issues.

Specialist Modules 7 and 8:

The two specialist modules differ from centre to centre; please contact the centre where you would like to study the CCRS course to find out the specialist modules on offer.


The course is offered in all five Catholic Colleges of Higher Education and at centres in every diocese in England and Wales.

Questions & Answers